Friday, June 24, 2005

Can this two-party political system be saved?

I’ve always felt that it was grossly irresponsible for adults to not keep up on what’s happening on the political scene, what with the importance of the public square, apathy being the biggest threat to democracy, and all that. But after being subjected to the constant bickering going on over Gitmo and Durbin and Flag burning and now Rove’s comments, I almost wish that I would have limited my news consumption the past couple of weeks to stories of Tom and Katie and the runaway bride so that I could wallow in the tranquil waters of ignorance. I suppose the two political sides will have to hold separate Independence Day celebrations this year since they can’t seem to be in the same room together without causing a scene and frightening the kids. It’s maddening.

This country is in desperate need of a Prime Minister of Decorum, Civility, and Diplomacy, a position that would hold full sway over all political bodies on issues of public behavior. He or she, probably a she, would carry out her duties mainly by telling people to shut up and get back to work. A tough-love counselor to two parties who are growing increasingly apart and intolerant of each others’ very existence, but need to stay together for the good of the kids, us. Because more and more, we’re starting to exhibit some of the worst traits of our elected leaders. Any nominations for this very important position?


Anonymous said...

The previous comment is frightening enough on its own, without regard to the issues at hand.

We can only hope it was a facetious comment and no one out there really thinks Oprah is the answer...

Anonymous said...

Actually, there needs to be more than TWO major politicial parties. But I suspect the Democrats will have destroyed themselves being too radical and one of the minor parties will get big enough to replace them.

Anonymous said...

What is needed in running this country are more statemen (or women) and fewer politicians. People who understand checks and balances, how to spend money wisely without going into debt, who have served in the armed forces and know the real meaning of heroism and who are educated, both formally and in the ways of the world. People who treat the butlers at the White House with the same civility they would demonstrate to foreign dignitaries.

Does such a person even exist anymore?