Victor is . . .
displaying the bounty of our trip to Chick-Fil-A. We left Indianapolis early Saturday morning to get to South Bend by lunch time. Little did we know that Route 31 would take us past our favorite restuarant.
Victor is . . .
putting himself to the test. An inflated obstacle course in the JACC was all that it took to forgive me for not letting him play at the indoor playgroud at the Chick Fil A. We came back to this a second time when roaming the campus didn't satisfy his need for action.
Victor is . . .
under the watchful eye of Touchdown Jesus. It's hard to explain to a six-year-old why the son of God would be signaling a score in a football game, so I didn't even try.
Victor is . . .
meeting some percussionists. He's got a drummer's soul, I'm convinced, so it's time he met some of his own people. Also, if you're ever in South Bend on game day, the band members are the friendliest and most helpful ambassodors that you'll find.
Victor is . . .
giving five with the players as the walk from Mass and into the stadium. You can't see it here, but several of the guys reached down to slap him some skin. It's one of the many traditions at ND that makes game day such a cool experience.
Victor is . . .
clearing the way so the Irish Guard can pass. They looked serious as they made their way across campus, but also quite majestic.
Victor is . . .
digging on the band. After watching the pre-game concert, we went to see the drum circle, where they were kicking out some dope beats. The tuba players laid down their weapons and Victor went to frolic in the brass garden. Drum Major Ryan Bailey was happy to pose with young Vic.
Victor is . . .
slightly pissed that he wasn't allowed to climb on the Frank Leahy statue. Respect, laddie, respect.
Victor is . . .
posing with his dad in front of the golden dome, but would have much rather been posing with the cute coed who graciously agreed to take the shot.
Victor is . . .
again with his dad, this time in the stadium. It was a touching moment. Dad isn't an ND grad, but for some reason, sharing this moment with his number one son tugged at the old heart strings.
Victor is . . .
watching the team take the field. We soon ran out of film (film?) so we don't have any pictures of the game. Victor now hates the "Georgia Techs."
Next week, we'll go see the Cyclones.
Victor is . . .
the best looking dude in the stadium.
Congratulations, Victor. A true rite of passage for any Naumovich male.
You had me at Chick-Fil-A.
I bet the rest of the trip was pretty cool, too.
LOVE IT! Victor is so cute!
I'm assuming you brought back a 500 pound cooler full of Chik-fil-A goods. It's also nice that you got to stop in and see a game while you were on your chicken pilgrimage.
I'm sure Victor was 'tickled'.
Notre Dame has a football team?
Guess who looks so much older. I guess kids do that to you.
What a son you now have...
Thanks for the nice comments on my son. He was tickled, but not in the same way as the frogger ride tickled him.
Anon 2:50,
You can't say I look old while remaining anonymous. It simply isn't done. Identify yourself, please.
Thanks for commenting,
Nothing finer than college football at South Bend! I bet it was a fantastic experience, too bad the Irish laid a Chick-Fil-A- egg. Now just wait 'till Victor gets to take that first real road trip to ND with a bunch of his friends, full of all kinds of adult beverages, no sleep, no showers.......kind of like his old man! Oh the good old days!!!!!
Cheer, cheer for Old Notre Dame...wake up the echos.......
Dan, you're such a DAD! That child is gorgeous, by the way. Those eyes are amazing!
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